Fertility Treatment

9 years ago by Dr Ruolin Sun

For many couples having a baby is a natural process but for the one in ten couples who experience fertility problems it is not always the simplest. At The Natural Practice we can offer help to couples who are struggling to conceive or who are already taking part in an assisted conception process such as IVF. A combination of Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy and nutritional advice can overcome many fertility problems.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can help women with hormonal and ovulatory problems, polycystic ovaries, endometriosis, unexplained failure to conceive and repeated miscarriage. It improves egg quality and strengthens the lining of the womb, balances hormone levels, therefore increasing the chances of achieving and maintaining a successful pregnancy. Women with high levels of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) experience infertility and are often turned away from IVF treatment as they do not respond well.   Acupuncture can help reduce these levels. TCM has also been shown to significantly improve sperm count and mobility.

Our fertility treatment package consists of an initial consultation with Homeopathic Physician, Dr David Owen followed by a programme of treatment involving both Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs which is tailored by Dr Ruolin Sun to meet your individual needs. Acupuncture stimulates the ovaries to produce lots of follicles and it increases the quality of eggs the woman is producing. It increases the flow of blood to the uterus. It also brings about relaxation at what can be a very stressful time. A nutritional therapist will give dietary and lifestyle advice to reduce toxic products in the body and build up an individuals nutritional well-being.

The length and course of treatment depends on many factors including the cause and nature of the infertility and the way the individual patient responds to treatment. 

Extensive research shows that the success rate of IVF is greatly increased if a course of Acupuncture is used alongside treatment.