Health Coaching - New Year Half Price Offer

2 years ago by Dr Ruth Dyson

Dr Ruth Dyson completed her training as a Health Coach in July last year. She is qualified with the NHS-approved Personalised Care Institute (PCI) and can combine her extensive knowledge from working as a GP and Lifestyle Medicine Physician with evidenced-based Health Coaching approaches to help you achieve your goals.

Dr Dyson is now working towards the highest level of accreditation available through the PCI and as such is keen to support more patients through a Health Coaching approach. We are therefore pleased to offer half-price Health Coaching sessions with Dr Dyson - the perfect way to help you make, and keep, those New Year's Resolutions! You can book up to six sessions at the reduced rate (to be used over the next three months or so). As well as the reduced cost you will also benefit from the knowledge that Dr Dyson will reflect upon these sessions in her extended training, to ensure you are receiving the most effective support for your health, and that they may form part of her confidential case study portfolio.

Virtual appointments are available on Tuesday mornings, or you can book a virtual or face-to-face appointment on Wednesdays.  Please speak to reception if you would like to book an appointment and mention the newsletter offer when booking. 

Please note patients' anonymised data/feedback may be used for Dr Dyson's portfolio of evidence to gain further Heath Coaching qualification and this offer is for health coaching appointments only.  If patients prefer Lifestyle Medicine or Hypnotherapy then please book those sessions separately.