Homeopathy for women's health

12 months ago by Dr Teodora (Dora) Perger

The life of a woman follows a beautifully orchestrated rhythm punctuated by hormonal changes through monthly cycles and during the stages of life. While this rhythm is wonderfully designed by nature, due to susceptibility or external factors, hormones can get out of balance causing disturbing symptoms.

Starting from menarche there are cyclic changes of oestrogen and progesterone regulating the menstrual period. In some women, these changes can trigger premenstrual symptoms (PMS): cramps, headaches, muscle or joint pain, fatigue, mood changes, and skin conditions, such as acne.

During pregnancy, hormones play an important role and can also cause symptoms such as nausea, tiredness, food cravings, breast tenderness and mood changes. Oxytocin is a key hormone not just for inducing birth, but also for lactation and facilitating bonding between the mother and the newborn. In this postpartum period further mood changes can occur including sometimes serious postnatal depression.

As the ovaries’ hormonal production naturally declines marking a new stage of a woman’s life, different symptoms can occur, such as irregular periods, hot flushes, tiredness, lack of motivation, memory problems, insomnia, digestive issues, mood changes, decreased sexual desire.

There are several homeopathic remedies, which can gently support women during times of these changes. A well-matching constitutional remedy prescribed holistically for the mental, emotional and physical symptoms can help with challenges posed by hormonal imbalance.

Examples of remedies used for relieving symptoms of PMS:

  • Calcarea carbonica can be useful when there is fatigue and anxiety, water-retention, weight gain, tender breasts, digestive upsets, and headaches. There is a general feeling of chilliness, clammy hands and feet, cravings for sweets and eggs.
  • Lachesis is indicated for congestion, headaches, surges of heat, and irritability. When the flow arrives, it may be heavy, but brings relief. There is intolerance of restrictive clothing.
  • Lycopodium can help when there is a craving for sweets and a ravenous appetite. There can be abdominal bloating, flatulence, irritable and bossy mood, a desire to be alone, but with someone in the other room.
  • Natrium muriaticum might be useful when there is anger over minor things, and a need to be alone to cry. Menstrual problems can be accompanied by migraines. There is a craving for salt, strong thirst, and a tendency to feel worse from being in the sun.
  • Pulsatilla can be useful for girls who have recently started having periods. PMS comes with irritability, moodiness, and weepiness. The timing, amount, and nature of the menstrual flow are changeable.

Some of the remedies, which can help menopause symptoms:

  • Graphite can help women who are chilly, pale, and sluggish, have trouble concentrating, and a tendency toward weight gain. They have hot flushes and sweats at night, and are very slow to become alert in the morning.
  • Sepia is indicated when the pelvic organs feel weak. There is a craving for vinegar or sour foods. Feeling of exhaustion with an irritability towards family members, and a loss of interest in daily tasks. Exercise, especially dancing, may help.
  • Sulphur is useful for hot flushes, which wake the woman in the early hours throwing the covers off. There is anxiety, weeping, excessive worry about health. They can be mentally active, messy, and feel worse from warmth.
  • Belladonna can relieve hot flushes with profuse sweating and head congestion. 
  • Ignatia can help headaches, muscle spasms, menstrual cramps, and irregular periods. There are emotional ups and downs, sensitivity, and moodiness.