Look after yourself with a Positive Health MOT this year to help you get into the best possible health and vitality as we approach the autumn and winter months ahead. As the summer draws to a close, this is a great time to take stock and positively address your health, vitality, lifestyle, diet, nutrition and what you can do to enhance your mental and emotional wellbeing.
What your Positive Health and Vitality MOT includes:
Once booked and paid for, your MOT will include:
- A blood analysis to identify a range of factors, including 42 biomarkers of health
- A 3-day food diary review
- A wellbeing self-assessment questionnaire covering your emotional, psychological and physical wellbeing
We’ll ask you to complete the above steps and return the results to The Natural Practice, you’ll then receive…
Consultations with Ruth Taylor and Marcos Frangos - To review results and to create your Wellness Plan
Ruth Taylor – Nutritional Therapist (Blood test and 3-day diet diary review)
Marcos Frangos – Constellations Counsellor (Wellbeing self-assessment review)
1-1 Consultation information
Online consultations to discuss your Positive health MOT and next steps. This will include a look at all the results, and a discussion about practical suggestions to increase your vitality and health, including signposting for further consultations with Natural Pracitce practitioners.
MOT Wellness plan to follow
Cost: £370
Read patient testimonial here
Listen to Marcos's Podcast here on Constellation Counselling and how his work helps support a healthy mental and emotional life.