Nature's Gifts - Plant remedies in the Loganiaceae family

22 days ago by Dr Teodora (Dora) Perger

Homeopathic remedies can be made from minerals, plants and animals. Based on their origin they carry distinct characteristics. For example, the patients who need plant remedies tend to be sensitive, affectionate, emotional, adaptable, but also can be easily influenced, hurt and irritable. They enjoy art and music and like to spend time in nature.

Plants are organised in families. As plants in the same family share common physical characteristics, the homeopathic remedies made from them also have some similarities.

Three very often used homeopathic remedies - Ignatia, Gelsemium and Nux vomica - come from the family Loganiaceae.

The remedy Ignatia is made from the seeds of the St. Ignatius bean tree. It is useful for emotional stress, especially during grief after the loss of a loved one. There is a theme of concealed disappointment, pent up emotions, which eventually break down in a sudden outburst of tears. On the physical level the remedy can alleviate symptoms of headache, digestive problems and insomnia, particularly if these occur following intense emotional upheaval. Characteristic symptoms are a lump sensation in the throat and frequent sighing.

Gelsemium is made from the bark of the fresh root of Gelsemium sempervirens. Emotionally, there can be worry, apprehension and anticipatory anxiety, especially before performing or presenting in front of a large audience due to fear of criticism. It can be useful for flu-like symptoms with headache, muscle pain and general paralysis-like weakness or heaviness.

The extract of the seeds of the Strychnos tree is used to make the remedy Nux vomica. Emotional symptoms are characterised by irritability, impatience, sensitivity to noise, strong desire to control and achieve their ambition. It can be a useful remedy for digestive issues (indigestion, heartburn, constipation, nausea, vomiting), especially if these arise following overindulgence on rich, fatty, spicy food. It can also alleviate the symptoms of hangover.

These seemingly diverse symptoms stem from some similarity between the remedies in the Loganiaceae family. For example, the inability to release or contain emotions then experiencing sudden outbursts1 as shown by suppressed grief in Ignatia leading to uncontrollable sobbing or the irritability of Nux vomica leading to aggression. On the physical level, remedies from Loganiaceae characterised by spasmodic contractions which can result in paralysis1; constipation and vomiting in Nux vomica and weakness in Gelsemium. In all three remedies, there is an element of shock2, which in the case of Ignatia leads to grief, in Gelsemium leads to paralysis, while Nux vomica leads to irritability.

I find it very useful to view the remedies this way as the same patient might need remedies from the same plant family depending on the symptoms presented. I choose the group of the remedies based on the underlying emotional tone of the patient.