
Hypnosis is a very natural state of mind and through hypnotherapy Dr Ruth Dyson aims to use the power of the unconscious (also known as the subconscious) part of the mind to help heal the body and make positive changes in your life.  

Hypnotherapy can be beneficial in a wide range of conditions and can be used alongside conventional medical therapies as a complementary or alternative approach. It is usually a pleasant, relaxing experience and thankfully is free from the side effects of medications. Almost all patients are able to access the hypnotic state and therefore, potentially, benefit from sessions. It involves guiding you into a relaxed state then providing positive suggestions which work towards your individual goals.

How will therapy be structured?

The hypnosis sessions usually last about an hour. The number of sessions varies but often treatment will take 4-6 sessions although for some conditions may be just one or two sessions. The time between sessions also varies, from one week to a month or more. During this time you will be utilising self-hypnosis, either independently or via the use of a recording, which allows you to experience the pleasant sensation of hypnosis whenever you want (or need) to.

Due to the current Covid-19 outbreak Dr Dyson has adapted her practice and is pleased to be able to offer remote sessions via telephone or video consultation. After an initial discussion to explore the history of the problem/condition, medical history and set your goals Dr Dyson will then create a personalised recording which will be sent to you via email or CD. This can be listened to regularly between sessions thus enhancing the benefit of the session.

Who can benefit from hypnotherapy?

It can be used as a complementary or alternative approach in many conditions. The following list is by no means exhaustive but does give some of the more common conditions in which Hypnotherapy may be beneficial. For further information on the evidence to support its use see resources below.

Irritable bowel syndrome – see resources section for information on its inclusion in NICE guidelines

Anxiety and stress, phobias


Painful conditions particularly where there is chronic pain e.g. arthritis, headaches

Conditions where fatigue is a feature e.g. post viral fatigue

Depression, negative self-image, low confidence, low self-esteem

Pregnancy, labour and the postnatal period


Urinary symptoms e.g. overactive bladder or nocturnal enuresis

Habit breaking e.g. smoking, nail biting (often only one or two sessions are required for simple habit breaking)

Weight control (dieting and weight/fat loss; motivation to exercise)

Skin conditions e.g. eczema

Performance improvement e.g. for exams or sporting performance.


If you have any further questions please discuss with our reception team or book a short, no obligation telephone consultation with Dr Dyson who will be able to give you an outline about possible hypnotherapy treatment and if it may be beneficial for you.

Some useful articles and links:

Listen to "Hypnotherapy to support good sleep" - click here to listen to the podcast.

Hypnotherapy or Medications: A Randomized Non-Inferiority Trial in Urgency Urinary Incontinent Women.

In a recent study (Am J Obstet Gynecol. <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31449805#>  2019 Aug 23) hypnotherapy was associated with substantially improved urgency urinary incontinence at follow-up. Hypnotherapy proved at least as good as medications at 6 and 12 months. The authors of the study concluded that hypnotherapy is a promising, alternative treatment for women with urgency urinary incontinence

The Efficacy of Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of Functional Dyspepsia

In a recent review of the evidence (
Am J Ther. <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31425161#>  2019 Nov/Dec;26(6​)) the authors found that the benefits of hypnotherapy observed by numerous studies go beyond the field of digestive pathology with patients describing a general improvement in physical and mental health. THey concluded that more studies are needed but that current studies analysing the efficacy of hypnotherapy in functional dyspepsia provide encouraging data.

Clinical Applications of Hypnotherapy - what is the evidence?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Summary of NICE Guidance




Dr Ruth Dyson

Physician, Integrated Medicine